Lost & Found
Pets on this page are not available for adoption.
The Cheyenne Animal Shelter is actively looking to reunite them with their families.
Pets having NO ID — rabies tag, owner tag, or microchip will be held for 3 days once they are picked up per our city/county ordinances, after which they become the property of the Cheyenne Animal Shelter.
Pets having an ID — a current rabies tag, current owners tag, or a current microchip will be held for 5 days once they are picked up per our city/county ordinances, after which they become the property of the Cheyenne Animal Shelter.
If one of these pets belongs to you, please call (307)632-6655 or come to the Shelter at 800 Southwest Drive to reclaim your pet. Lost & Found hours are Monday-Tuesday/Thursday-Sunday from 8-6 P.M. and Wednesdays from 4-6 P.M. You will need to bring a current driver's license, proof of ownership of the pet (i.e. a rabies certificate or veterinary records in your name), and a photo of the pet.
Report a Missing Pet
You can report a lost or missing pet by clicking the button below and filling out the Petco Love Lost form below. We highly recommend you post on social media, alert your neighbors and friends, and report the missing pet to Animal Control. The more information provided on the below form, the better chance you have of reuniting with your pet!
Please note that submitting a lost pet report through Petco’s Love Lost form does not guarantee that the Cheyenne Animal Shelter will be able to locate and reunite you with your pet. Be sure to check with the Shelter regularly.
Reclaim Fees
Animals who are reclaimed the same day they arrive will only be charged for an impound fee and any vaccines administered. The impound fee is directly related to the animal's alteration status per ordinance 06.20.030 - Release of Impounded Animals. Altered animals impounded by Animal Control or by public drop off will have a $35.00 fee associated to reclaim.
Unaltered animals will have a $55.00 fee associated to reclaim.
Subsequent reclaiming by the owner of any unaltered animal(s), within a twelve (12) month period will result in a minimum fee of $105.00.
Animals who are reclaimed following their first overnight stay will incur an additional boarding fee of $45 per day.
Vaccine Fees
All animals processed into the Shelter are provided with a mandatory set of vaccines to protect animals entering our Shelter from airborne viruses and diseases. Feline treatments consist of Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis/Calicivirus and Panleukopenia (FVRCP), Pyrantel Pamoate (dewormer) while canine treatments are distemper, adenovirus2, parainfluenza virus, and parvovirus (DAPP), dewormer, and Rapid Respiratory 3.
All vaccines provided at the initial intake exam are $15 per vaccine. Patrons will be charged for these vaccines at the time of reclaim.
Rabies Vaccination
Current rabies vaccinations are required by city ordinance 06.16.020 - Rabies Vaccination Required. Patrons wishing to reclaim an animal must provide a current rabies certificate prior to reclaim.
Patrons that cannot provide proof of rabies vaccination prior to reclaiming may submit a $25.00 deposit to be refunded upon the owner submitting proof of rabies vaccine within 72 hours.
For questions regarding reclaim fees, please contact our customer care team at 307-632-6655.
Lost and Found Pets

Lost Pet Tips
Check with neighbors, mail carriers, neighborhood watch captains, and other individuals familiar with your area. Let them know your pet is lost so they can keep an eye out.
If you don’t find your pet immediately, take a break and try again later. Pets often return to familiar areas. If you see your pet, bend down into a squatting position and call the pet’s name. Remember to keep your voice light and happy, and to praise your pet for coming back. Do not punish your pet as this will teach him or her to ignore your calls.
Check local shelters. Visit the Cheyenne Animal Shelter every day. Pets are held for three-five days once they are picked up, after which they become the property of the shelter.
Check Facebook. We have a Cheyenne Animal Shelter lost and found page run by some very amazing volunteers. Here are a few other local lost and found Facebook pages we are not affiliated with to check for and post your pet on:
5. Newspaper ads: When placing a newspaper ad remember that the ad will not appear until the next newspaper cycle.
6. Posting Notices: When posting a notice, include a picture of the pet and description including color and size. If you have a purebred pet and no photo, look at the library for a picture of a similar pet. Place notices in neighborhood gathering places such as grocery stores, laundry mats, veterinary offices, libraries and schools.