Dylan’s Birthday Bash: A Celebration of Generosity
Birthdays are typically a time of celebration, making wishes over candles and cake, and receiving gifts. For Dylan Hall, her 10th birthday took on a special meaning. Instead of asking for the latest toys or gadgets, Dylan had a different wish in mind.
Dylan and Carter Hall dropping off their donations.
Dylan’s birthday celebration took a selfless turn when she decided to forgo the traditional gifts and use the occasion to make a positive impact on the lives of animals in need. Her only birthday wish this year was for her friends and family to rally together and donate much-needed supplies to the Cheyenne Animal Shelter. When asked the reason for choosing the Shelter to receive her donation, Dylan expressed that she “[...] really didn't want or need any presents and I just really wanted to help. Animals are my favorite and my heart just hurts that they all don't have owners and homes.”
“Our kids want for nothing,” says Danielle Hall, Dylan’s mother. “Dylan decided she didn't need anything and would love to give back to others that may not have much. I gave her a small list of organizations and she said her heart led her to choose the Animal Shelter. We didn't do any formal invitations this year I just set up an event on Facebook and in the comments I said Dylan decided instead of gifts for herself this year she would love to collect donations for the Shelter. I shared the Amazon wishlist as well as some ideas for donations. Everyone was just so tickled with her generosity they filled our trunk with donations!”
Dylan and Carter meeting kittens in the Vet Clinic!
The Hall family are no strangers to unleashing the love. At the Hall family’s home, Penelope the cat, a former Cheyenne Animal Shelter resident, spends her day being spoiled rotten by Dylan and her younger sister, Carter Hall. Their three guinea pigs, Peachy Boy, Brownie, and CoCo, even have their own room! Dylan’s love for her own pets was a determining factor in her choice to support the Shelter for her birthday as she finds them “[...] really sweet and fuzzy and just so cute and loveable.”
Dylan’s act of kindness did not go unnoticed. As a thank you for her generosity, Dylan, Danielle, and Carter were invited for a behind-the-scenes tour of the Cheyenne Animal Shelter. The Halls were guided throughout the Shelter where they stopped by the veterinary clinic to meet a young kitten being prepped for surgery by Vet Techs Theresa and Sasha, socialized and played with adoptable cats like Sophie, and passed a plethora of treats to pups like Dennis! Reflecting on the visit, Danielle Hall shared that “the girls just can't stop talking about it and Dennis the Dog, of course. I know it really meant a lot to them to see all the back of the house and how it all works.”
Dylan and Carter meet Dennis the dog!
Dylan and her display of generosity and kindness serve as a reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a significant impact. With 2023 coming to a close and our end-of-year fundraising campaign running behind, your donation means more now than ever. Just like Dylan, you too can unleash the love by clicking the button below and making a contribution to the pets and programs at the Cheyenne Animal Shelter!