From Trapped to Treasured

Hey, there! I’m Lagatha and, about two weeks ago, I found myself in a pretty scary situation...

I was strolling around town, looking for a warm place to nap when I came across this weird contraption, apparently called a ‘bear trap’ by you humans. I’m a little too curious for my own good sometimes and the trap closed right on me! My arm was in pain and, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get out. 

It wasn’t long before these nice people in matching outfits came along and freed me. 

As happy as I was to get out of that trap, my paw was still in so much pain. They took me to this place called the Cheyenne Animal Shelter and said I was going to get the help I needed from a lady named ‘Dr. Winsch.’ Although my leg was too injured for me to keep, the kind humans at the Shelter made sure I was safe and loved the whole time I healed.

Once I started feeling better, I was moved to a room with other kitties and given my own little apartment. I knew the streets weren’t where I belonged and, after just a few days, I was told someone wanted to take me home!

I write this now from the comfort of my big couch, next to the kind lady to has given me more treats, cuddles, and love than I’ve ever had before. 

I heard that the Cheyenne Animal Shelter is trying to raise $190,000 before the year ends. Your kindness saved my life and I know there are plenty of other animals out there who will need that same support one day.

Click on the button below to help out my friends at the shelter with their goal and to be the pawsome human who created a second chance for a pet like me. 


Your favorite tripod, Lagatha


Building Bridges: How One Girl Scout Troop Sparked a Council-Wide Animal Shelter Program


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